Monday, December 7, 2009

Podcast creation

I created my first podcast. It is a short 3 minute chat of my reaction to reading Brian Benzinger's article Back To School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 3. I can't believe how well I understood the jargon after completing this class. I can truly say that I have built a strong foundation for using these technologies with my students. This is my last official post. I hope I feel confident to return and continue blogging about other things in my life and educational pursuits. Now on to trying to find a teaching position.

The Environment Report: Study: Ethanol Sucking Up Water

The Environment Report: Study: Ethanol Sucking Up Water

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I like the idea of discussing this in my class. It talks about the idea of "trading off" is it better to ween ourselves off foreign oil or is the use of water too great in local ethanol production. I would play this for my kids and ask them to decide on the spot which they thought was the better choice. I would then divide the class according to their answers. The students would work together to research information on their choice, prepare a statement of facts and present their findings to the other group. This could be something that the class could do as a way to present topics to each other as well as create informative poster boards or presentations that could be displayed to the rest of the school as well.