Tuesday, October 13, 2009

what role should teacher's play in ploving NET? from another blogger

Andy Carvin recently blogged about an incident on twitter involving a bipolar woman tweeting about possibly hurting her toddler. A woman read the tweet and became concerned. When she was unable to reach the lady directly, she contacted Twitter about the incident. Twitter then contacted the authorities. Andy uses this rare occurrence to discuss teacher's role in policing the NET. This made me think of an excellent activity to use with the kids in my classroom when talking about proper behavior on the Internet. The lady contends that the dangerous tweet was really just a joke about her toddler refusing to stop crying and go to sleep. However, she did post a harmful message which lead people essentially "taking sides" of the mom who tweeted and the lady who called Twitter. I believe that you could use this incident as a way to show your students how a "joke" can spin out of hand rather quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you are thinking about how best to teach our students appropriate online behavior. This might be a good example to work with.
    Dr. Burgos
